Apply for up to $25,000 to support community-university partnerships that benefit communities across the province and advance collaborative research, teaching and learning.
We are now accepting applications for the 2024/25 Community-University Engagement Support (CUES) Fund. This year, we have a total of $700,000 to fund up to 28 community-university projects.
Paid directly to community partners, CUES funding removes financial barriers and prioritizes reciprocal, inclusive engagement so all communities — especially those that have been historically, persistently, or systemically marginalized — can benefit.
We invite applicants looking to develop new or existing community-university relationships and especially welcome applications for collaborative projects that advance:
- Equity, diversity and inclusion
- Indigenous engagement and reconciliation
- Health innovation and community wellbeing
- Sustainability and climate action
- Teaching, learning and research excellence
The fund is open to BC-based community organizations and UBC students, faculty and staff.
Important dates and deadlines
September 27, 2024 — Deadline to submit a Notice of Intent (NOI). All co-applicants must submit a brief NOI to confirm their eligibility and provide a short description of their proposed work together.
November 30, 2024 — Deadline to submit full application. Following the NOI deadline, all eligible partners will receive an invitation to submit a full application.
Attend an info session
- CUES Fund info session #1: What to know before applyingSeptember 12, 2024 | Get an overview of the CUES fund, review the applicant guide and eligibility requirements, and ask any questions before submitting your Notice of Intent.
About the Community-University Engagement Support fund
CUES provides funding directly to community partners. Since 2018, the fund has awarded $3,215,900 to 142 different community groups — including 41 Indigenous communities and organizations — and university partners from 18 different faculties across UBC Vancouver and Okanagan campuses.
The CUES Fund is jointly administered by UBC Community Engagement and the Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation.
Who can apply?
Each CUES Fund application must include two applicants who are the main points of contact for the proposal:
- a co-applicant that represents an eligible BC-based community partner (principal community applicant)
- and a co-applicant that is a current UBC faculty*, staff, or student* at either UBC Vancouver or Okanagan (principal UBC applicant)
* Please note, if you are a student, post-doctoral fellow, adjunct, clinical or emeritus faculty or lecturer applying for CUES funding, you will need to ensure that a current tenured faculty member is willing to co-sign on your project.
Eligible community partners should be a registered charity registered non-profit society or qualified donee listed by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). If the principal community applicant is not a qualified donee, a community organization that is a qualified donee or a UBC department may be permitted to act as a financial intermediary. If you know who may act as a financial intermediary for your project, please indicate this in the financial intermediary section of your application.
The CUES Fund is not able to support projects outside of Canada.
Who receives the funding?
Funding is paid directly to the principal community applicant organization. In cases where a community partner is unable to accept a grant, funds may be disbursed to the partnering UBC department or unit or other qualified donee who is acting as financial intermediary.
What are the CUES fund criteria?
Strong CUES Fund applications will address the following criteria:
- Articulates a well-defined, community-identified opportunity, priority area, or need
- Embodies our principles of engagement
- And demonstrates how it supports at least one of the university’s institutional priorities:
- Equity, diversity, and inclusion
- Indigenous engagement and reconciliation
- Health innovation and community wellbeing
- Sustainability and climate action
- Teaching, learning, research excellence
You can review our evaluation criteria here.
You can learn more about the CUES program, evaluation criteria and how to develop a strong proposal by reviewing our CUES Applicant Guide.
How may funds be used?
Funding is intentionally flexible to support the different costs that are associated with community engagement activities. However, eligible expenses must be related to the proposed relationship and/or partnership-building activities and outcomes. Examples of eligible expenses include:
- Salary/stipends for project team members supporting relationship and/or partnership-building activities
- Honoraria for community members, elders, leaders and knowledge keepers or brokers
- Training or education fees necessary for project team members to fully participate or contribute
- Program or organizational evaluations or assessments
- Engagement costs, including travel & accommodation, facilities/space rental fees, for meetings, hospitality, and catering costs
- Equipment and supplies that directly support relationship and/or partnership-building activities
- Administrative costs related to running the project or working with a financial intermediary (if necessary); please consult with us before including this budget line item in your application
How do I apply?
Applying for the CUES fund is a two-step process.
Step 1: Submit a Notice of Intent (NOI); Deadline: September 27, 2024
All co-applicants are required to develop and submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) to confirm their eligibility and provide a brief description of their proposed work together. The NOI is for administrative purposes only. It is non-competitive and will not be evaluated. Everyone who meets the eligibility requirements and submits an NOI will be invited to submit a full application. You can download a sample NOI template to prepare your answers in advance with your with your co-applicant.
Step 2: Submit a Full Application; Deadline: November 30, 2024
All eligible applicants who submit an NOI by September 27, 2024, will receive an email invitation to submit their full application for the 2024/25 CUES fund. Email invitations will be sent out no later than October 4, 2024. Applications will be submitted by a webform (a link will be provided in your invitation email) and are due by November 30, 2024. You can access the CUES application questions in advance to collaborate on your responses with your co-applicant. You can also access a sample webform template to prepare the webform questions in advance.
What can funds NOT be used for?
Funding is not intended as a replacement for other sources of direct research funding or daily operational costs. Examples of ineligible expenses include:
- Direct costs of academic research, such as those already covered by tri-agency funding bodies (CIHR, NSERC, or SSHRC)
- Administrative or core costs/expenses for community organizations, e.g., salaries associated with an organization’s daily operations or programming or office equipment
- Funding that flows directly to an individual (CUES funds are intended to go to community partner organizations)
- Costs of alcohol (or related costs such as liquor licenses)
- Retroactive expenses
Do I need to provide a report at the conclusion of our project?
Yes. We ask that all recipients submit a narrative report within two months of the project end date. A template will be provided to all recipients. Alternative forms of reporting such as an interview or site visit will also be considered. Please reach out to us to discuss options.
In addition, CUES Fund recipients are asked to notify us of any materials that were developed with the support of CUES funding. Examples of materials include, but are not limited to, final publications, reports, event materials, and audio or video productions. With permission and in accordance with OCAP (ownership, control, access, and possession) principles, UBC Community Engagement may share these as examples of work supported by the CUES program.
Can I apply to the CUES Fund more than once?
Yes. However, starting next year (2025), any applicants who have received three or more years of consecutive funding will no longer be eligible.
When can I expect to receive funding for my project?
We expect all payments to be processed by March 31, 2025.
How competitive is the CUES Fund?
The CUES Fund is highly competitive. On average, the CUES success rate is 27%.
What is the review process?
CUES Fund proposals are adjudicated by a multidisciplinary review panel composed of UBC faculty members, staff members, and local community representatives. All proposals are initially reviewed and scored by three separate reviewers using our evaluation criteria.
A review panel then convenes to finalize rankings of applications and make recommendations for funding.
If you are interested in joining our review panel, please reach out to the CUES Program Manager at cues.fund@ubc.ca.
Can I use Partnership Recognition and Exploration funding to develop our CUES application?
Absolutely! We recognize that many recipients of the Partnership Recognition and Exploration (PRE) Fund have used PRE funding to build reciprocal relationships between UBC and community partners. Several of these partnerships have gone on to apply to the CUES Fund to further develop and grow their projects. However, the PRE fund is now closed for the year. It will reopen in April 2025.
Learn more about the PRE Fund and how to apply here.
Still have questions? Contact us at cues.fund@ubc.ca.