The Community Engagement office supports reciprocal, respectful relationships between staff, students and faculty at UBC’s Vancouver campus and local community partners to advance equity and justice.
We provide:
Support for Scholars & Staff

- Community Engagement Network: For UBC staff who collaborate with community partners locally and globally
- Advice for engaged scholars: Provide guidance, connections and advice for UBC Faculties and faculty members whose academic work involves community engagement
- Community Engagement Table: Central coordinating table of administrative engagement leads from all campus sites
- Engagement Stories: Showcasing the stories of community-engaged activity from across both campuses
Support for Community Partners

- Community Engagement Help Desk: Connects local communities with UBC resources and opportunities to help advance their work
- Community-University Engagement Support (CUES) fund: funding for BC-based charitable organizations to build partnerships and pursue shared projects with both UBC campuses
- Partner Recognition Fund: Funds of up to $1,500 provided directly to the community partners to fill a resource gap in their partnership with UBC at both campuses
Public Engagement

- President’s Community Roundtables: Bringing UBC and community-based experts and leaders together to explore and activate solutions to regional issues
- Public Dialogue & Events: Partnering to organize deep engagement and knowledge exchange on topics of public interest and importance
Institutional Change and Thought Leadership

- A Shared Vision for Community Engagement: Exploration of a framework for community engagement at UBC including principles and goals
- Carnegie Community Engagement Canadian Pilot Project: Co-exploration of a Canadian framework for assessing and advancing community engagement at post-secondary institutions