4 responses to “Supporting pets and their people in the DTES”

  1. How 'One Health' clinics support unhoused people and their pets

    […] runs four times a year in Vancouver, and is funded by the University of British Columbia's Community-University Engagement Support grant to develop a One Health clinic to provide human and animal health […]

  2. “同一个健康”诊所如何为无家可归者及其宠物提供支持 - Mandarinian

    […] 一日诊所 该活动通常每年在温哥华举办四次,由不列颠哥伦比亚大学的 社区-大学参与支持补助金 […]

  3. How ‘One Health’ clinics support unhoused people and their pets - Twenty47HealthNews

    […] runs four times a year in Vancouver, and is funded by the University of British Columbia’s Community-University Engagement Support grant to develop a ‘One Health’ clinic to provide human and animal health […]

  4. How ‘One Health’ clinics support unhoused people and their pets

    […] runs four times a year in Vancouver, and is funded by the University of British Columbia’s Community-University Engagement Support grant to develop a ‘One Health’ clinic to provide human and animal health […]