Downtown Eastside
‘CUES’ Fund Illustrates Scope and Diversity of UBC-Community Engagement
Pictured above: BC Institute of Technology instructor Marcel Studer (centre) and an all-Heiltsuk construction crew in front of one of the Nation’s new Tiny Homes. In the Heiltsuk Nation’s central home of Bella Bella, nestled on the pristine and wild west coast of British Columbia, eight new and nearly identical tiny homes sit proudly in […]
Student Profile: Research to Make Research More Accessible
Alina McKay describes how her UBC Learning Exchange experience informed her post-graduate work and contributed to the MRAi project.
Supporting pets and their people in the DTES
One Health Clinics, offered in partnership between UBC and Community Veterinary Outreach, provide essential health services to pet owners experiencing homelessness in Vancouver, while preparing future UBC grads for careers in public health.
Supporting pets and their people in the DTES
UBC-community partnership addresses public health needs while preparing future grads When the BC government declared the COVID-19 pandemic a public health emergency in March of 2020, Kelsi Jessamine and Dr. Doris Leung had to act quickly to continue supporting their clients—pet owners experiencing homelessness or who are vulnerably-housed in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside (DTES). The pair, […]
Photo Gallery: Snapshots Of Resilience
How do you move forward after being released from prison? That’s the question at the heart of a community-based research project that had been meeting at the UBC Learning Exchange for four years before COVID-19 restrictions and has recently released a powerful photography project.
Student Profile: Connecting with Chinese seniors helped shift her academic focus
Yanice Guo explains how her work in the English Conversation Program also made her feel more connected in Vancouver.
Made-in-the-DTES software tool provides paths to citizenship and confidence
More than an app: How a made-in-the-DTES software tool called Linkvan provided paths to citizenship and confidence.
UBC Learning Exchange Marks 20 Years In The Downtown Eastside
In celebration of the centre’s 20th anniversary, the Learning Exchange spoke with six community and university partners on how they influence and are influenced by their connections with the Learning Exchange, the many ways they interact with the centre and each other, and their hopes for the Learning Exchange’s next 20 years.
Community-based Research In Action At The UBC Learning Exchange
Thinking about a research project related to the Downtown Eastside? You might want to talk to Dr. Heather Holroyd.
Allard Law’s Indigenous Community Legal Clinic Goes Virtual
Located in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, the ICLC provides free legal services to the Indigenous community throughout the province
Building Trust in Communities
Community engagement is about building trust between communities. This summer we sat down with Kate Hodgson and Kathleen Leahy to learn firsthand from their years of experience… Key Learnings There is a general and positive shift among researchers who are moving from saying ‘we’re going to fix all your social problems’ to ‘what can we […]
Aboriginal Women’s Intervention Program Benefits Indigenous Women Experiencing Violence
UBC nursing professor and her colleagues evaluate culturally safe intervention program for Indigenous women who have left abusive partners.