A significant part of doing excellent community engagement involves better internal coordination and connection.
The Community Engagement Network (CEN) is for staff and librarians at UBC Vancouver and UBC Okanagan who do community engagement work.
Our purpose is to:
(i) To create and sustain a sense of community among staff at UBC who lead and support community-university engagement.
(ii) To increase our collective capacity and provide tools for reciprocal, community-led engagement.
To us, community engagement is “the collaboration between UBC and local and regional communities for the mutually beneficial exchange of knowledge and resources in a context of partnership and reciprocity” (adapted from Carnegie Community Engagement Classification).
Upcoming CEN Events
Keep an eye out for the latest CEN sessions being hosted by the Community Engagement Network.
- How to Explain Your Community Engagement Work to People Who Don’t Get ItMarch 11, 2025 | University staff supporting community engagement play a vital role in fostering partnerships and creating impact but can often struggle to convey the value of their work. Join us for an interactive session to clarify your role, advocate for your programs, and communicate the impact of engagement.
Testimonials from our CEN sessions
CEN Stories
Watch, listen or read about community engaged work and the individuals who support and lead community engagement. Here, find our “Stories of Partnership” podcasts to learn about collaborations between community partners and UBC that embody reciprocity.
- Stories of Partnership: hua foundation and UBC ACRE + ACAMListen to the third CEN “Stories of Partnership” podcast, produced in partnership with UBC’s ACAM. This episode features christina lee from hua foundation, John Paul (JP) Catungal from ACRE, and Szu Shen from ACAM. Hear how they co-deliver ACAM320J and about their decade-long partnership.
- Stories of Partnership: Kelowna Museums and UBC Okanagan LibraryListen to the second CEN “Stories of Partnership” podcast featuring Erik Beardmore from Kelowna Museums, and UBCO Library’s Donna Langille and Christian Isbister. Discover how they collaborated on the Okanagan QueerStory podcast and Kelowna’s first Queer Zine Fair, as well as their future plans to celebrate and amplify Kelowna’s queer history.
- Stories of Partnership: AMSSA & UBC’s Centre for Migration Studies Listen to the first CEN “Stories of Partnership” podcast featuring the CEO of AMSSA, Katie Crocker, and UBC CMS’ Antje Ellermann, Sean Lauer and Javier Ojer. Hear about their longstanding partnership and gain valuable insights on the importance of relationship building.
Meet the CEN
In this section, discover “Meet the CEN”, a new series that shines a spotlight on the dynamic individuals who make up the heart of our Community Engagement Network.
- Meet the CEN: Karen Chu, Innovation Partnerships ManagerKaren Chu serves as the Innovation Partnerships Manager at UBC’s Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation. In this interview, Karen shares her insights on building effective partnerships and aligning mutual goals to address critical societal challenges.
- Meet the CEN: Donna Langille, UBCO Open Education LibrarianDonna Langille is the Open Education Librarian at UBC Okanagan. Hear about the impact of libraries and librarians in community-university engagement, and Donna’s recent collaborations.
- Meet the CEN: Mandy Young, Community Engagement CoordinatorMandy Young is the Community Engagement Coordinator for Patient and Community Partnership for Education in the Office of UBC Health. A dedicated patient partner and caregiver, Mandy works to integrate patient perspectives into the education of future healthcare professionals.
- Meet the CEN: UBC’s Centre for Asian Canadian Research and EngagementIn our fourth episode, we interview the team behind UBC ACRE, an incredible initiative that is working to center the voices, experiences, and expertise of Asian Canadian communities, both within the university and, crucially, beyond it.
- Meet the CEN: Kshamta Hunter, Manager of Transformative Learning and Student EngagementIn our third interview, we introduce Kshamta Hunter, the Manager of Transformative Learning and Student Engagement within the Sustainability Hub at UBC.
- Meet the CEN: Kat Cureton, Community Engagement AdvisorIn our second “Meet the CEN” interview, we introduce Kat Cureton, an Advisor at UBC Community Engagement and leader of the Community Engagement Network.
- Meet the CEN: Holly Kim, Operations and Program ManagerWe’re thrilled to present a new series that shines a spotlight on the dynamic individuals who make up the heart of our Community Engagement Network (CEN). In our inaugural feature, we’re proud to introduce Holly Kim, the Operations and Program Manager at UBC Community Engagement.
Join the Community Engagement Network
Subscribe to our mailing list to receive announcements and registration reminders for upcoming sessions.
Past CEN Events
- January Community Engagement Network Meet-UpJanuary 21, 2025 | Celebrate the new year by meeting your peers who lead and support community-university engagement at UBCV!
- Introduction to Visual Thinking, Graphic Facilitation, and Graphic RecordingFebruary 20-21, 2025 | Looking for a unique pro D opportunity that combines visual art and knowledge exchange? Check out this two-day immersive workshop.
- Stories of Partnership: Central Okanagan Food Bank & UBCO Faculty of ManagementNovember 21, 2024 | Hear about the evolution of the partnership between Central Okanagan Food Bank & UBCO Faculty of Management, their collaborative initiatives, and the importance of reciprocity.
- Stories of Partnership: Kelowna Museums & UBCO LibraryOctober 2, 2024 | Explore the longstanding partnership between Kelowna Museums and UBCO Library, their current projects, and future plans.
- Community Engagement Network: “Meet Up at MOA”September 24, 2024 | As the beginning of a new academic year is right around the corner, come and meet your peers who lead and support community-university engagement at UBCV!
- Stories of Partnership: hua foundation + UBC ACAM & ACREJune 25, 2024 | Hear about hua foundation’s longstanding relationship with faculty, staff and students of UBC ACAM & ACRE, and how this partnership has grown over the years.
- Stories of Partnership: AMSSA & UBC’s Centre for Migration Studies May 28, 2024 | Hear about the evolving relationship between UBC and AMSSA, a province-wide association well known as an umbrella organization for the BC immigration and settlement sector.
- True Reconciliation: Applying Insights to Community-University EngagementMar 19 | Join us for a special CEN session to reflect together on Jody Wilson-Raybould’s book and talk on True Reconciliation
- Indian Residential School History and Dialogue Centre VisitFeb 15 | Join us for a guided tour of the Indian Residential School History and Dialogue Centre. Learn about the on-going impacts of colonialism on Indigenous history to better inform your community engagement work.
- How UBC staff are integrating Indigenous ways of knowing into their community engagement workNovember 9 | Join the on-going conversation on how staff in the CEN are integrating Indigenous ways of knowing and doing into their community engagement work and advancing the goals and actions of the ISP.
- Weaving Relations: Applying Indigenous Design and Engagement to Your Work October 4, 2023 | We have invited Dana-Lyn Mackenzie, Advisor to the President on Indigenous Protocol, to talk about her new course “Weaving Relations”. Join us as we reflect on Indigenous-Canadian relationships and explore how we can apply Indigenous design insights to our work.
- Community Engagement Network Meet Ups at UBCV and UBCOSeptember 25 (UBVC) & September 28 (UBCO) | Join us for an in-person meet up! Meet fellow staff at UBC who are involved in community engagement work.
- Exploring tensions and opportunities of community-university engagement work within colonial systems, Part 2May 3, 2023 | Engage in continued meaningful self-reflections and discussion on the colonial systems at play within our community engagement work.
- Exploring tensions and opportunities of community-university engagement work within colonial systemsApril 6, 2023 | Engage in meaningful self-reflection and discuss the colonial systems at play within our community engagement work.
- UBC Indigenous Financial Guidelines: Info Session & DiscussionDecember 6, 2022 │Join us for an info session on the UBC Indigenous Financial Guidelines.
- Equitable Compensation For Non-Indigenous Community PartnersNovember 8, 2022 l Join us for a discussion about the different approaches that are being used to support partner compensation at UBC.
- Findings from the IBPOC Student Engagement Consultation ProjectMay 30, 2022 l Learn how UBC staff can advance equity while engaging with IBPOC communities.
Click here to see archived sessions
Thursday, April 28, 2022, 2:00 – 3:30pm
How UBC staff are advancing the goals and actions of the Indigenous Strategic Plan
- Gain an understanding of where units/departments in the Community Engagement Network are at in the ISP implementation process;
- Share and learn, informally, about each other’s experiences with ISP implementation; and
- Hear examples of what units/departments are doing, or planning to do, to advance the ISP goals and actions.
Host: UBC Community Engagement
Location: Online with Zoom
Thursday, March 10th, 2022, 1:00-2:30pm
BC Not-for-Profit Sector: Issues, Opportunities, & UBC’s Role
By the end of the session, participants are able to access and share Vantage Point not-for-profit resources (e.g., podcasts, toolkits, learning sessions), identify BC NFP sector current issues and opportunities, and articulate ideas for what UBC could do differently to support the sector.
Guest Speakers: Vantage Point | Maria Turnbull, Associate Executive Director and Cherie Payne, Director of Sector Development & Government Relations Location: Online with Zoom
Tuesday, February 22nd, 2022, 1:00 – 2:30pm
Embedding Equity in Community Engagement
In this interactive session, you will learn what the UBC Equity & Inclusion Office does and how the Inclusion Action Plan tools and resources can help you use equitable processes and approaches in your relationships with external community partners. Come prepared to share your stories of positive, equitable community-university partnerships – as well as examples where UBC undermined equity or caused harm. We can learn a lot from those examples, too!
Host: UBC Equity & Inclusion Office + UBC Community Engagement
Location: Online with Zoom
Monday, November 29th, 2021, 1:00 – 2:30pm
IBPOC Student Engagement: Promising Practices
This session will look at how UBC community engagement professionals are engaging diverse students in their programs, with discussion on what they see working and what they see as the biggest challenges. By the end of the session, participants will have an understanding of how UBC Sustainability Initiative is supporting the implementation of the Climate Emergency Task Force (CETF) recommendations on IBPOC engagement, and have opportunities to share their own experiences and recommend good practices for IBPOC student engagement. We will also explore interest in co-creating a Community of Practice on IBPOC focused Engaged Learning to enhance our work as engagement professionals.
Host: UBC Sustainability Initiative + UBC Community Engagement
Location: Online with Zoom
Friday, October 29th, 2021, 1:00 – 2:30pm
Introduction to Indigenous Strategic Plan Implementation Toolkit
This session introduced participants to the Indigenous Strategic Plan Implementation Toolkit. The Office of Indigenous Strategic Initiatives was present to answer questions about the ISP and the ISP Toolkit. Staff from Go Global shared their experience facilitating the ISP self-assessment tool and Intent to Action tool.
Host: Office of Indigenous Strategic Initiatives + Community Engagement
Location: Online with Zoom
Monday, August 9th, 2021, 12:45 – 2:00pm
Reconnect & Help Set the Plan For 2021-22
This interactive session focused on (1) re-connecting with wonderful people, (2) getting feedback on the draft goals for this year, and (3) hearing ideas on how the CEN could be a valuable resource for you in 2021-22.
Host: UBC Community Engagement
Location: Online with Zoom
December 3, 2020
Fun, Joy + Play on Zoom with the Community Engagement Network
Let’s gather one last time this year to share in some fun, joy, and play over Zoom — the very platform that has fatigued and perhaps depleted us over the last several months. Pam Garcia, Deb Pickman, and Michael Denhamer will lead us through an hour’s virtual smorgasbord of writing, creating, drawing, movement, and music to experience possibilities for how we can bring fun, joy, and play into online engagement spaces.
Host: UBC Community Engagement
Location: Online with Zoom
Registration Closed.
October 14, 2020
The CEN Gathers Amazingly Virtually Again: Emerging Engagement Practices Shift + Share
Do you have an example of something you’ve tried in the last few months? Or, are thinking of trying? We’re looking for a number of folks who are interested in being “sharers” for the session. Sharers will rotate throughout breakout room “virtual stations” to offer examples, stories, or critical conversations and questions of how you’ve been approaching your community engagement practices.
Host: UBC Community Engagement
Location: Online with Zoom
May 28, 2020
Gathering Amazingly Online, Part II
Gathering Amazingly Online was a hit, so let’s do it again! On May 28th, join the Community Engagement Network on Zoom for Gathering Amazingly Online, Part II (participation in Part I not required). Last time, we explored the question, “What is our purpose and responsibility as community engagement practitioners in these pandemic times?” We’ll keep this question central with a focus for Part II on giving and getting virtual peer support.
Host: UBC Community Engagement
Location: Online with Zoom
April 3, 2020
Gathering Amazingly Online in Pandemic Times
Using Liberating Structures facilitation methods over Zoom, we’ll have time to connect, experience the possibilities of taking these tools online, and explore what it can look like to walk the talk of community engagement in pandemic times. While we will use a full range of Zoom features, this is an experiential session as opposed to an instructional Zoom lesson.
Host: UBC Community Engagement
Location: Online with Zoom
CANCELLED: March 25, 2020
What do science outreach and community engagement look like at UBC?
What do Let’s Talk Science, Geering Up, Science 101, Beaty Biodiversity Museum, and UBC Physics & Astronomy Outreach have in common (beyond science)? They all do a ton of outreach and community engagement work. Check out Science Rendezvous 2019.
Host: UBC STEM Outreach Collective
This session was cancelled due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
November 21, 2019
Using Teaching, Learning, and Research as Tools for University-Community Knowledge Mobilization: UBC’s Presence in Vancouver’s Chinatown
Join us to learn how UBC’s presence in Chinatown helps facilitate reciprocal partnerships between community partners and the university.
Host: UBC Chinatown
Location: Chinatown House, 188 East Pender Street
September 24, 2019
Who is doing this work? What are we working on? How can we share and collaborate?
Meet UBC’s community engagement and event networks — together! Get to know one another, share dialogue, find collaborators, and map out public engagement events for the year.
Host: Event Professionals Network
July 5, 2019
Visit UBC Farm & End of Year Lunch Social
Come join us at UBC Farm for a tour, farm-fresh lunch and social to celebrate our last Community Engagement Network before the summer break.
Host: UBC Farm
Location: UBC Farm
February 7, 2019
Visit the UBC Learning Exchange: What are we learning from 20 years of preparing students to engage in the DTES?
Get off campus and visit UBC’s community presence in the DTES at the Learning Exchange.
Host: UBC Learning Exchange
Date and time: April 11th, 2019 | 9 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Location: UBC Learning Exchange, 612 Main St., Vancouver
Registration Closed.
What’s Community Engagement at UBC Botanical Garden?
Meet up with colleagues in a beautiful space to hear how the UBC Botanical Garden learns from and works with local and global communities.
Host: UBC Botanical Garden
Location: UBC Botanical Garden Reception Centre, 6804 SW Marine Drive
Registration Closed.
December 5, 2018
Framing Community Engagement: Learn about Community Engagement Principles with CCEL
This interactive session will help you reflect on and develop your own work with communities as the CCEL team shares how they frame their work, guiding principles and helpful tools.
Host: Centre for Community Engaged Learning
Location: Rm 2131 CIRS, 2260 West Mall
Registration Closed.
October 25, 2018
What is a Living Library? How can it be used and shared?
Join us for a presentation by UBC Health Mentors and staff, Q&A, and networking with colleagues
Host: Patient and Community Partnership for Education (UBC Health) with the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre
Location: Lillooet Room, Irving K. Barber Learning Centre
Registration Closed.
To learn more about the CEN, contact Kat Cureton at kat.cureton@ubc.ca.